The dark, atmospheric new songs which sit at the heart of his work ‘Flit’ have been inspired by first hand stories of human movement around the world. During research and development, Martin collected stories of social migration from the people around him. Some are heart-warming, life-affirming tales, others are tragic and heart-breaking, but all have an over-arching humanity.
The production, and the album feature an array of world-class musical collaborators: songwriters Karine Polwart, Aidan Moffat and Anaïs Mitchell; musicians Adrian Utley (Portishead) and Dominic Aitchison (Mogwai); and singers Becky Unthank (The Unthanks), Adam Holmes and John Smith.
Green says of Flit:
“I had been discussing with Adrian (Utley of Portishead) the idea of framing Becky Unthank’s voice with a wall of dark electronic sounds. Both analogue synthesis and traditional singing have a certain purity to them, both are pretty uncompromising sounds, and putting them together excited us…Dominic (Aitchison, Mogwai) was the perfect choice for bringing a human quality to the low end.”
Eighteen months later and an album produced by Utley at his Bristol studio, featuring songs written by Green, Anaïs Mitchell, Scotland’s Karine Polwart and Arab Strap’s Aidan Moffat was released by Reveal Records.
‘Flit’ has been co-commissioned by Edinburgh International Festival, Barbican Centre, Perth International Arts Festival and Sage Gateshead, and is produced by Penny King for Lepus Productions, co-produced by Opera North Projects.
We are grateful for financial support from Creative Scotland, Arts Council England and PRS for Music Foundation’s ‘Beyond Borders’
“…a show laced with passion, emotion,
drama and curiosity”
At Lepus Arts, we work with different communities across the country to create new and inspiring work. Giving the next generation of young musicians a chance to perform at a professional standard with established musicians, we create a vibrant network for artists as we continue to tell stories.
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